Internet Service Provider

rating rating rating rating rating
1.63 score
ID: 73446
ASN: 28917
Site address (URL):
Address: г. Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt. 28A, office. 311
Phone: +7(495) 706 49 49
About company:
"Global Telecommunications" is a telecommunications company that owns its own Data Center and provides a full range of DATA CENTER and hosting services under licenses 83951 and 83952 (Data Communication Services, except for data communication services for voice information transmission and Telematic Communication Services).

We are constantly working on the quality of our services, introducing new developments, improving automation interfaces and developing the material basis of our Data Center. In addition, we pay special attention to offers for SEO specialists, who get access to the most suitable tariff plans and services for their activity.

For more than five years of telecommunication services market we have placed at least 10000 sites on our own servers, and rented several hundreds of servers of different configurations.

To each client we try to find an individual approach. On this basis, any customer gets access to a full range of services and their customization. We offer a wide range of equipment configurations, allocation of a separate server cabinet or its part and prepare an infrastructure suitable for the tasks set by the customer.

Data Center Specifications

When choosing a site for your equipment, it is logical to rely on international classification. We can say that our Data Center TIME complies with Tier II + and in the near future will be given a full table with the technical characteristics of the Tier Classification. For now we are ready to provide you with information concerning its main parameters:


Our Data Center is located in Moscow and connected to 3 leading operators, which allows our customers to have excellent connectivity and provide high-quality services on the Internet. The total width of our channels is 30 Gbit/sec and besides we are participants of traffic exchange point ММТС9. All channels are connected via BGP and work simultaneously, interchanging each other if necessary.

Network infrastructure

Data Center network is built on modular switches and routers Cisco 76XX series. The modular, centralized architecture allows for more flexible configuration of the network environment and better protection against unauthorized actions.


To ensure continuous electricity supply 24 hours a day, all power lines running to the Data Center are connected to Eaton 9390 uninterruptible power supply units with a total capacity of 160 kW. Connection scheme is N+1. These power supplies have a high efficiency of 94%, can be installed close to the wall (heat exchange from bottom to top), which saves space significantly.


Constant temperature and humidity in the room are ensured by Uniflair Leonardo Evolution precision air conditioners and a 60 cm high raised floor. Connection scheme N+1. These climatic units have the freecooling module, which allows to fully turn off the compressor at a temperature of +5C, which saves up to 80% of electricity. In addition, these air conditioners have two cooling circuits - liquid and gaseous, which increases the reliability of such systems.


In Data Center 24-hour monitoring is carried out with the help of specialized software and under supervision of our qualified specialists.

Working closely with various companies, we are partners and have partnership statuses with many major vendors.

In order to:

order servers of any configuration;
To: order servers of any configuration; arrange Colocation services;
Buy specialized software or a domain;
order hosting for your web-project

We will be glad to cooperate!
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Total reviews:
Provider rating (honesty score):
not enough reviews (insufficient number of tests)
Average ping:
58 ms

Most recent measurements

Date Download Speed,
Upload Speed,
Ping, §
2024-07-02 14:38:37 64266 73043 40
2024-04-08 18:09:11 27456 8667 32
2024-01-17 11:27:27 50295 34515 31
2023-11-30 16:06:16 75003 75443 2
2023-11-26 20:15:47 902297 911011 1

Most recent measurements

Дата замера:
2024-07-02 14:38:37
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2024-04-08 18:09:11
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2024-01-17 11:27:27
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2023-11-30 16:06:16
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2023-11-26 20:15:47
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек