
IP Addresses: Dynamics vs. Statics

IP Addresses: Dynamics vs. Statics

An IP address (internet protocol address) in a broad sense is the address of a specific node in an IP-based network. To put it simply, each computer or device connecting to the Internet receives a unique IP address, and it looks like a set of four numbers from 0 to 255 – with dots between them. This is the so-called "external" IP address, that is, the one with which you access the Internet. You can find out IP on specialized sites, like ours

26.06.2017 346835 Read more

What is internet connection speed

What is internet connection speed

When we connect the Internet at home, one of the main characteristics of choosing an Internet provider and tariff is the speed of the Internet connection. Let's try to figure out what it is with the help of simple examples.

24.12.2015 720241 Read more