Internet Service Provider

rating rating rating rating rating
1 score
ID: 236468
Site address (URL):
Address: г. 95, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, 5th floor
Phone: + 375 17 237 08 32
About company:
Someone owns information, and everyone else is trying to cope with it... Paradoxically, but it is a fact that every person belonging to civilized society strives to connect himself with the global information space, and at the same time - to gain as full information freedom as possible.

The model of information offered by modern mass media is similar to a train, where everyone is forced to go one way and take seats according to the tickets purchased. This is why the dream of a personal means of transportation has always lived in man. More than a hundred years ago, these dreams materialized in a car. And now the time has come to realize another dream - the freedom of choice in a bottomless ocean of information. And we will prove that it is real!

Information freedom now rests on the possibilities and principles of the Internet. And the Internet in its new quality is Internet TV ITV.BY.

ITV.BY is not just a new style of media consumption. It is a cardinally different principle. From now on, you can create your own TV program, as well as compare, analyze, speak out, exchange opinions, etc. This means that you can model your own information space and become a creator of your own world, your own universe.

This is a real revolution in the consciousness of the media consumer. This is a different consciousness of society. This is a real media revolution! The Internet viewer is guided only by personal considerations and tastes when choosing an information product. He is independent of any restrictions, including temporal ones. The usual scheme: morning to children, afternoon to housewives, evening to the nation, and night to intellectuals is becoming an anachronism.

Watch the Internet and create your own version of reality together with ITV.BY!
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Total reviews:
Provider rating (honesty score):
not enough reviews (insufficient number of tests)
Average ping:
6 ms

Reviews (1)

В общем лишь негативные ощущения !Скорость с ФТП от 123-350кб/сек это в ночное и утрешнее время(в остальном ФТП перегружен)Срезали скорость по внешке -днём 120---вечером 56(уччитывается один и тот же сайт-причём колво качающихшо днё шо вечером одинакова-150-170 человек).ЦЕНА ЗА ! МЕС безлим 130гриве!!!

Most recent measurements

Date Download Speed,
Upload Speed,
Ping, §
2019-11-03 05:54:41 2758 2503 7
2019-10-24 22:11:53 2831 2341 8
2019-10-24 15:17:23 3020 2554 6
2019-04-23 04:56:45 702145 613214 3

Most recent measurements

Дата замера:
2019-11-03 05:54:41
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2019-10-24 22:11:53
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2019-10-24 15:17:23
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2019-04-23 04:56:45
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек