Internet Service Provider
Bezheckaja Internet Kompanija OOO

rating rating rating rating rating
1.38 score
ID: 268143
ASN: 58048
Site address (URL):
Address: г. Bezhetsk, 35/34 Nechaeva St.
Phone: 8-920-684-13-33
About company:
Bezhetskaya Internet Company Ltd.
Founded November 23, 2009.
Start an Internet company? The question did not take long, since good and fast Internet, at that time, was not for everyone, and was expensive. In 2006 the company "Live-Links" was founded. In the beginning it was decided to use cable television technology since television network covered almost the entire city. The speed and stability of the Internet, this is what we sought, as time showed, we succeeded.
As we all know that progress never stands still, the same goes for the Internet, it evolved, speeds went up, prices went down, but it was not enough. What's important to the average Internet user? Of course, the speed and price, by the fact that the higher the speed and the lower the price, the more satisfied the subscriber. Therefore it was decided to master the new technology of fiber optic network. Colossal" work was done on installing new equipment, pulling cables and organization of the network, which allowed us to go to a completely different level, and, well, the name was changed.
The fiber optic network, small but very confident steps advanced through the city, starting to cover the district. They say advertising is the engine of commerce, I agree, but in our town there are also rumors, which also contribute to the development. The number of calls every day increased, with questions about Selmash, Botanica, District Headquarters, etc. The pace of development has also increased. At the moment almost the entire city is developed, what is left for the small, and more specifically the private sector. The private sector, what to do with it, traditionally this question did not keep me waiting, in the arsenal of "Bezhetskaya Internet Company" received the technology GEPON, passive fiber-optic networks. At the moment the work has just begun, the network is still under construction, but there are already some happy owners of high-speed Internet in the private sector
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Total reviews:
Provider rating (honesty score):
not enough reviews (insufficient number of tests)
Average ping:
41 ms

Reviews (2)

скорость почти постоянно ниже заявленной по тарифу.в вечерние время смотреть hd видео вообще невозможно.

Most recent measurements

Date Download Speed,
Upload Speed,
Ping, §
2024-05-31 23:14:04 25404 33213 59
2024-05-29 23:08:26 73623 81011 40
2024-05-29 16:31:43 42217 43144 48
2024-05-28 19:45:55 81248 79036 41
2024-05-27 16:41:21 79198 72114 48

Most recent measurements

Дата замера:
2024-05-31 23:14:04
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2024-05-29 23:08:26
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2024-05-29 16:31:43
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2024-05-28 19:45:55
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек
Дата замера:
2024-05-27 16:41:21
Входящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Исходящая скорость, Кбит/сек
Ping, мсек