Review #317200 of ISP Дом.ru

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At the beginning of January 2024, I called support to find out the terms of Internet connection at the new address. I was informed that the price for the tariff is X rubles. I specifically asked if this was some kind of promotion or a permanent price. I got the answer that the price is constant. After 3 months, the price tag increased 2 times, which I found out after the fact. I contacted support and was told that the tariff for the first 3 months was a promotion, which I was not informed about when the conditions were announced. I asked to listen to the recording of the initial conversation (all conversations are recorded on their side). Since then a funny story began. I called a week later - to clarify the status of the application. It turned out that there was no request, it had not been started. The support specialist started the request, having filed a complaint against the previous specialist for ignoring the request. She said that the analysis would take some time, tentatively a week. After 2 weeks I called the support specialist myself, both requests were still pending. The operator tried to promptly get feedback on the initial request (apparently bypassing the flow) and said that the specialists who listened to the conversation said that the initial information was correct. This surprised me, as I distinctly remember the conditions voiced in the initial conversation. I asked for a recording of the conversation and to finally review the applications. Also duplicated this via email. It's June, no one has contacted either by mail or phone. I am surprised by the attitude itself - on a simple issue some story stretched for several months, in which I am ignored, the issue is not solved, requests are not fulfilled. If I'm wrong, provide a record and I'll admit the mistake, stuff happens. But at the moment I consider myself deceived, as the initially voiced conditions misled and influenced the choice of provider

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June 6th at 12:58
c. Perm
Комментарий представителя провайдера

Здравствуйте, Владимир. Расстроены, что сложилась подобная ситуация с подключением тарифа :( Мы проверили ваш договор и подтверждаем, что была ошибка в информировании нашим сотрудником, поэтому приносим извинения от лица компании. Данный сотрудник был уволен из компании.
К сожалению, предоставить тариф на озвученных оператором условиях нет возможности, но мы в качестве извинений активировали вам скидку на 6 месяцев. Надеемся, что в будущем мы сможем загладить нашу вину качественным предоставлением услуг.