Internet Service Provider

rating rating rating rating rating
4.75 score
ID: 181246
Site address (URL):
Address: Ukraine, Kiev, Klymenko Str. 25, office 459
Phone: +38(044)499 4805
About company:
ONet is a division of "Orestlab", which is engaged in the provision of Internet services and installation of SCS.
Currently, ONet offers the following services:
Dedicated channels - round the clock, unlimited time connection of computer or local network to the Internet
Internet for home users - via non-switched connection (network cable)
Other services
Domain registration - domain name registration and support
Hosting - Web site hosting on ONet servers
Collocation - placement of your server on technical ONet sites and connection to the Internet via a channel with high bandwidth
Web-site development - creation of personal representation in the Internet: from simple business-card site to e-commerce systems
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Total reviews:
Provider rating (honesty score):
not enough reviews (insufficient number of tests)
Average ping:
95 ms

Reviews (1)

С ONet с 2011 года. Нормальная цена/качество.

В последнее время редко что бы штормило сеть, да и решают проблемы оперативно.