Review #317214 of ISP Tele2 KZ

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Tele2 KZ
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The technicians don't work

Two days ago, diamond tv specialists were working at the internet switchboard, at lunchtime we did not notice how they disconnected the internet. On the same day at 5 came to the switchboard another group 06.06.24. When we informed them about the non-working Internet, they said that the previous ones wrapped the cable and did not connect it, when asked if the second group could connect it they said that it was not their job.
The same day the support service replied that technicians will come tomorrow. I knowing that they will throw me wrote every two hours in the morning when they will come to correct their own mistake, in the end no one absolutely did not come, support said that they did not have time and will come on 11.06, wait 5 days. Every month and every two months consistently so disconnect the Internet, and do not make recalculation themselves.
The lamest support service and technical specialists. Zero responsibility and customer focus

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June 8th at 07:12
c. Almaty