Review #316945 of ISP Зелёная Точка

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Zeljonaja Tochka
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Leaves a lot to be desired

Three days of terrible internet connection. 85% of sites do not load. During these days I made numerous calls to the support service, where they constantly promised to fix the connection quality within two hours, which did not happen. Previously, there were also such failures, but they were eliminated within a few hours. At the moment, the Internet, which allows you to open all sites, at best appears for an hour or two a day. As an apology credited a ridiculous 50 rubles bonus, ironic thank you! My last calls to the support service do not end in success, as a result of half an hour of waiting for an answer from a free operator, what are they doing there! A couple of years ago it was better, now irresponsible attitude to their customers!

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May 19th at 23:51
c. Belgorod