Chiba average internet speed

Enter the name of a provider and/or city and we will show you the internet speed statistics. The data is based on measurements taken on our website (more than 2 million measurements per month).

You will see the average internet speed for the last month, a graph of the internet speed trends for the last 3 months, and a list of recent internet connection speed measurements.

Average speed
for the last
0.18 Mbit/sec
0.12 Mbit/sec

Most recent measurements

Download (Mbit/s) Upload (Mbit/s) Ping (ms) Provider
0.18 0.12 341 USEN CORPORATION
45.05 3.79 209 Cogent Communications
45.05 3.79 209 KDDI Corporation
8.42 59.99 224 KDDI Corporation
0.75 28.13 319 Ростелеком МРФ Волга
0.48 0.29 399 KDDI Corporation
0.74 0.77 312 Google
10.84 43.12 209 Construction CALS/EC Center
0.19 0.30 505 Softbank BB Corp
0.62 0.56 320 Softbank BB Corp
0.56 0.56 359 Softbank BB Corp
0.49 0.48 354 Softbank BB Corp
12.50 151.92 215 Google
0.55 0.18 352 KDDI Corporation
0.59 0.59 329 Softbank BB Corp
0.33 60.36 544 Ростелеком МРФ Центр
0.28 0.32 541 Softbank BB Corp
0.33 4.20 548 Ростелеком МРФ ЮГ
0.27 0.31 533 The Woolmark Company
4.71 14.07 297 Fujitsu Limited