Giv'atayim average internet speed

Enter the name of a provider and/or city and we will show you the internet speed statistics. The data is based on measurements taken on our website (more than 2 million measurements per month).

You will see the average internet speed for the last month, a graph of the internet speed trends for the last 3 months, and a list of recent internet connection speed measurements.

Average speed
for the last
265.79 Mbit/sec
51.23 Mbit/sec

Most recent measurements

Download (Mbit/s) Upload (Mbit/s) Ping (ms) Provider
149.22 27.17 138 Smile 012
382.36 75.30 135 Netvision
186.46 41.21 130 Netvision
24.89 14.62 213 Partner Communications
9.52 14.93 143 Partner Communications
7.81 13.78 203 Partner Communications
141.51 27.74 121 Smile 012
24.09 16.42 117 Netvision
413.94 79.48 129 Smile 012
209.69 35.57 116 Hotnet
161.39 158.34 100 Безек Бейнлеуми
88.88 82.85 3 Smile 012
88.88 82.85 3 Google
88.88 82.85 3 Google
246.19 104.46 3 Partner Communications
143.63 165.30 4 Netvision
11.51 159.02 7 Netvision
34.07 39.13 2 Netvision
0.05 0.56 91 Hotnet
10.96 96.81 6 Netvision