Strasbourg average internet speed

Enter the name of a provider and/or city and we will show you the internet speed statistics. The data is based on measurements taken on our website (more than 2 million measurements per month).

You will see the average internet speed for the last month, a graph of the internet speed trends for the last 3 months, and a list of recent internet connection speed measurements.

Average speed
for the last
46.00 Mbit/sec
47.46 Mbit/sec

Most recent measurements

Download (Mbit/s) Upload (Mbit/s) Ping (ms) Provider
0.84 0.41 144 Tele2
27.18 77.32 72 ООО "Ател Рыбинск"
7.61 7.23 80 Valparaiso University
8.21 2.39 72 Valparaiso University
28.85 25.69 113 Effective Management Systems
0.64 2.54 52 OVH
7.41 7.44 81 Valparaiso University
35.31 11.35 33 Credit Mutuel
34.87 73.60 69 1&1 Internet ag
279.26 206.25 90 1&1 Internet ag
29.06 62.50 63 1&1 Internet ag
307.71 38.41 86 1&1 Internet ag
40.75 81.58 60 1&1 Internet ag
8.08 7.66 75 Valparaiso University
21.74 29.81 56 1&1 Internet ag
3.91 66.92 4 Облтелеком
25.04 5.29 116 1&1 Internet ag
5.56 7.47 138 Стрела Телеком (ООО ХДС)
5.34 7.26 175 SAGIT SA
10.42 17.97 123 OVH